Going Abroad on Vacation Can be Worrisome
If you are planning to go abroad to enjoy a well-earned vacation, it may be in your best interests to make proper arrangements with a professional security service provider like Serious CCTV before your intended departure date. Many vacationers have returned from overseas after their leave period to be faced with heartbreak and anxiety on seeing their homes ransacked with all valuables gone and nothing can be done to retrieve them. We are at the forefront of the battle and are constantly urging customers to make essential security precautions during vacation time.
Real misery follows a major burglary
Just think for one moment how a home owner would feel after learning that his/her entire abode has been broken into and looted while they were on leave. A part of life’s earnings in cash kept in a vault at home, valuable jewellery, antiques, fixtures, hardware and software, screen, car, everything of value in the living room and in the kitchen and bedrooms. This was a major robbery and it happened to one person resulting in the loss of thousands worth of valuables. But the reality is that the person should have known better and could have taken measures to avoid it.
Better be sure than to be sorry
No doubt similar incidents have occurred to other people who have suffered similar traumas in their lives. Our job is to minimize or entirely eliminate their occurrence and we always remind customers to make sure the security is sound rather than to be sorry later. We can provide clients with the latest and most modern gadgets and devices to make security issues less of a problem. We can centralize the system to make it more effective and for convenience we can even connect the cameras wherever they are installed to your mobile phone.
Centrality and connectivity is paramount
You’re ability of being appraised of developments and happenings while you are away, is at the focal point of our intentions. We will enable you to make contact with the police the minute you notice something is amiss at your home via your CCTV system. Better still, we can connect you to a specially formed monitoring entity such as a back to office reporting connection that will activate personnel manning the station. They will mobilize and act to confront and mitigate the emergency situation. We provide you with the tools to be in total command of the situation.
Contact us
There is no better security system to have than the CCTV security system. Simply ring us now on (02) 8091 1989 for our free quote and allow us to install the perfect system for your specific needs.
An Invite Out is a Signal for Maximum Security
Sometimes it may be your turn to be invited to dinner or to a party by friends on Christmas Eve or on other special occasions. Take the invite as a sure signal for you to implement the security measures you have made a habit of doing these past years. At Serious CCTV we also make it a habit of updating our security strategies so we don’t fall behind the competition and these are available on request. The situation gets a lot worse when you can’t leave anyone in the house the whole time you’re away enjoying yourself.
The windows are always easier to enter
Most house doors these days are built with security in mind and while windows do get a fair share of revamping, they are easier to handle in terms of breaking and entering than the doors. This necessitates more attention to strengthening the windows to prevent unwanted intrusions. There are specially made hardened glass that will foil any attempt at breaking and entering and extremely strong bolts are available almost anywhere in various hardware stores and outlets. Make sure your doors and windows are burglar proof before you venture out.
The best extra ‘eyes’ you can have
The next best thing you can do to boost the security of your home is to identify, select and get a security system installed at your house. Home owners have increasingly turned their attention to this security system that has saved thousands of home owners from sure loss and damage. The CCTV cameras act as the extra eye you can leave behind to keep watch and to store info for later use as incriminating evidence against perpetrators. The system is the perfect cure for burglar break in attempts and is sure to save your house from being robbed while you are out.
The installing is the hard part
After our experts have helped you to earmark your security system, all that remains is the installing of the CCTV security system in your home. For this you must have the expert assistance of true professionals and you will find them working with us. Our professionals are extremely adept at knowing how to install your system for you so you get maximum benefit. They are fully qualified in any installing process that you need and are experts at monitoring and following up on any malfunctions and drawbacks. They are also experts at carrying our repairs and maintenance works.
Contact us
The best security system for you is undoubtedly the CCTV security system. Ring us now on (02) 8091 1989 for a free quote and the system will be installed quickly and efficiently for you.
Summertime can Prove to be your Undoing
The hot sun usually produces a lackadaisical attitude in our behaviour and sometimes it can develop into a nonchalant ‘macho’ outlook that can do nothing but spell disaster to our security. To be nonchalant means you can solve every problem without really knowing the gravity of such problems. At Serious CCTV we have come across cases where home owners are so careless, they throw their doors wide open without the least qualm only to find in a flash they are missing a video set, a player and a laptop all in the one stealing spree.
Sad but true and you suffer for it
How many times have you left your front, back and side doors wide open during summer? Many times I bet and it figures when you find that most burglaries take place during the day during summer without the slightest care in the world. Most thieves actually get into the front door in broad daylight and carry out their distasteful work inside the house. Meanwhile the occupants are moving in or around the house or, as is usually the case, dozing off beside the swimming pool or out on the lawn on a layback. It’s just not worth it when you suffer because you ignore your security.
Not just any solution will do
What do you do under such circumstances? Do you immediately contact the police? What can they do on the skimpy or lack of evidence you can provide them? Do you start making arrangements with your neighbour to act as a watchdog for you? You’ve just moved in and common courtesy won’t allow that kind of selfish behaviour. Yes, the solution lies with you but that solution is in installing a CCTV surveillance camera system, that will not only provide you with clear high resolution images but will also provide police with what they need for investigating after the fact.
Not just any security service provider
When it comes to security, you need the best and you must get the best and these are far between when it comes to discussing experience, professionalism, skill, acumen and all the other qualities that bespeak of expertise and know how in providing the best and most efficient security system in town. We have those qualities and we have improved and consolidated our reputation the hard way by travelling the long road and satisfying each client along the way. We stand as a hallmark of integrity and technical expertise and we intend to stay that way for years to come.
Contact us
It is not difficult to contact us for your security needs. Simply ring us on (02) 8091 1989 for a free quote and we will commence right away in installing the ideal surveillance camera system for you.
Results Show Importance of Security Precautions
Reliable data has been obtained following concerted studies on the impacts on homes that have taken security precautions and those that have no done so. At Serious CCTV we are aware that according to the studies houses that install security systems are less likely to be robbed than those that fail to take any security precautions. This ultimately means it is more worthwhile for home owners to install some type of security system in their home instead of doing nothing. Given this situation it would be foolhardy not to something about the security of your house.
Location is very important
For newly-weds or those thinking of relocating, look around for information that tell of cities or suburbia where burglary incidence is on the low side. Even with enough security precautions, there are other factors that can emerge during residency such as violence, store thefts, harassment and so on. You don’t want to find yourself threatened with more than you can handle the first time you move in. Look up reliable information on these and other happenings to help you make an informed decision on where to live. It always pays in the long run.
The house you choose must be sturdy and strong
Take a detailed tour of the house with the owner to find out just how secure and safe the house is. Take in everything inside and outside especially any failings in the structure, security blind sports and the likely places where a security camera can make a difference. If you are uncertain, let the owner fill you in with more detail about the security problems in the area and how people have tried to address them. The doors must be extra strong and if they’re not, think about replacing them immediately along with the windows. Look for anything that may compromise your security.
Don’t hesitate in bolstering your security
You’ve moved into a new area and a new house so you need to immediately go into motion to ramp up your security. Make contact with the most reliable and efficient security provider in town (that would be us) and start the ball rolling. At Serious CCTV we can supply you with the most updated and efficient CCTV system the market can offer and our professionals are totally capable of helping you to identify, select and install the system you choose. Working together with an established security provider will pay dividends in ensuring the security of your house.
Contact us
After choosing the house to live in, don’t hesitate in contacting us. Just ring us on (02) 8091 1989 for our free quote and witness for yourself how security can be a reality for you.